Cool, Cool, Cool.

2 min readAug 29, 2021


Truth is, I have been exhausted working on projects and assignments for the past few months. At some point, I just wanted to stop doing everything. I am almost a year in my course now and I gotta admit, the learning curve has been really steep for me. While it’s been fun learning all the new skill sets, I felt that I have been working on new things tirelessly without any gaps in between. That’s when I know I need to have a break. What’s more fun than applying your new skills on something that you like?

I’m a big fan of Brooklyn Nine-Nine sitcom. So I gathered some IMDb ratings data, and created the following dashboard. Guess what are the highest and lowest rated episodes?

I can’t seems to find a way to embed Tableau’s dashboard here. So you would see that some parts are missing. But if you are interested to find out, you can access it here.

Not surprise! We see that the Halloween heist took 2 places in the highest rated episodes. Honestly I love it all. Then we have Jake & Amy’s wedding, The Box (Well expected to be here) and Lights out(*cues “Push it”).

Are these your Top 5 Episodes? I guess what’s missing on the list for me would be S5E17-DFW. What’s that you asked? Here, my friend. Let me show you.

And that’s it ! Please do check out the Tableau version here, I have included some audios for each main character. Do let me know how I can better improve this! I really had fun doing this, took me whole Saturday but I have learnt so much. Now… back to school assignments …




从我的视野分享我爱的一切。Hey, how are you today?