Here’s how I reset my learning curve.

3 min readFeb 16, 2022
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

If you have been reading my previous posts, you would be aware that I have been going through a career change journey for the past 1–2 years. The truth is, I started working 2 months ago, and while I try to stay motivated in learning new skills, things haven’t been smooth sailing.

For the past 1–2 years, I have been very focused on what I choose to learn. Most of the time, I would choose skills that would benefit my career change, and I must say, I do not regret doing them! It has shaped me into what I am today, although still very far apart from what I visioned, but without those skills, I would suffer on my day-to-day basis. I am certain!

When I got my first job after my career change, I told myself that the learning process should not be stopped. I should continue to pick up new skills and never stay stagnant. I should pick up skills that would be beneficial to my job and brings me to greater heights. And I did! I spent most of my work nights with my company’s Udemy account and although I don’t hate doing so, I was certainly getting tired of it. I was no longer as motivated as before. Could it be due to I was no longer desperate for a career change since I landed myself into something relevant? I was fine with whatever I have right now? Nope! I am sure deep inside me I am still looking to learn, but I just couldn’t bring myself to the desk and start the course, as I used to.

I took a break from learning. I spent most of my time on social media and things changed a month later. Iphone would send weekly reports on how much screentime you had for the past weeks. They just kept rising and it snap me out of it.

I need to reset myself.

I decided to start off my new learning journey, by learning something that I have been eager to learn, but just didn’t get the chance to do so. And, I made sure that it’s not work-related because I think I could take a break from it right now.

Hence, let me present you ….

yes. That’s my electronic drum kit you are looking at. I have been spending most morning, and my lunch time on it. I remember when I was trying to set it up, the manual came with only diagram on where each compartments should be located at. Prior to this I have not seen an electronic drum kit before so I wasn’t very familiar with it. But I enjoyed every single process in setting up the kit. It felt surreal because I have been longing for it for too long! Although now it worries me on how I am going to bring this back to Singapore and fit into that tiny room and on top of that not getting complained while playing it but!! Let’s just leave that for another day. Right now I should just enjoy my freedom in playing with it.

And that’s how, I reset my learning curve. I do have plans so slowly incorporate those courses that I left idle previously. While I am still interested in learning them, I will take things slow from now on.

Have you felt trapped in your learning process? What did you do?




从我的视野分享我爱的一切。Hey, how are you today?