The day I had ruptured cyst removed.

6 min readOct 11, 2020

Some time ago I had my ruptured cyst removed. I remember lying on the hospital bed in the emergency center, feeling rather lost because I have no idea why I was feeling pain on my lower abdominal area. The next day when I was ‘suspected’ to have a cyst I tried googling around for someone’s experience on it but I couldn’t really find any information that I needed. So, I’m going to pen this down as some sort of a memory, and hopefully serves as a nice ‘guide’ for anyone who’s suspecting or going through the whole feeling lost process as I did.

I remember it was a week day, probably Friday as I didn’t have much piled up. I went to work as per usual but I was feeling pain around my hip and mid left side of my abdomen. I was also having menstrual cramps that day, which is what I usually experience as well so I thought it was just the usual cramp. By noon time I started feeling a strong urge to sleep, and my stomach was just so bloated and I was starting to experience chills. Honestly I didn’t put much thought into it, thinking it’s just another bad cramp that I’m having. Hence I skipped lunch and took a lunch nap. Oddly, I was reacting rather sensitively to light, so I remember crawling under my desk and take the nap. My action took my colleagues by surprise but I couldn’t bother much. I JUST WANTED TO SLEEP REALLY BADLY URGH.

When it’s time to leave work I realized that I couldn’t walk for long. I usually commute to work by public transport and it requires me to walk around for at least 30 minutes. I felt weak. That’s when I realized that something could be wrong, because the pain that I was feeling is a little unusual. So I took a cab to my neighbourhood clinic. When I arrived the pain was so strong that I can hardly walk. But I had to. So what’s usually a 5 minutes journey took me 20 minutes.

The physician did a quick check and first suspected that I could be having appendicitis. I sort of had the same guess during my journey there. I was advised to stay home and monitor my status until next day morning. And I was also given a recommendation letter should the pain gets worst I should drop by the emergency center as soon as possible.

I lived one street across the neighbourhood clinic. And to cross over I had to take the pedestrian bridge. I remember crawling through every step with chills and feeling light headed because I can barely walk due to the pain. When I reached home I was feeling bloated so I went to bed right after.

2 hours later I woke up. I remember it was 10pm. I was sitting there on my bed applying every single ointment I had to get rid of the pain. Decided to make myself ginger tea as well to get rid of the bloatedness but I had it poured away the moment I’m done making it. I just couldn’t make myself drink or eat anything at that point of time. So I decided to hit the bed again with hope that everything returns to normal the next day. But oh boy the pain didn’t just persists, but got worst. By 1 am in the morning I told myself that I should perhaps visit the emergency center. I can no longer endure the pain.

Guess what I did ? I decided to have my NSwitch charged and packed myself a bag with books and necessities. I was getting prepared with my ‘hospital bag’. I took some rest time (while feeling the strike pain) and finally, at around 3 am, I decided to make a journey to the hospital.

I took a grab there and was immediately rushed to the emergency center.

BUT, there was no doctor available to attend me due to a surge of cases, so I was left around with ‘suspected appendicitis’ and a doctor who came about 1.5 hours later ordered some tests to be done on me.

By 8 am in the morning I was told that they are certain that it was appendicitis. But the doctor that was attending to me had to consult the surgeon before making the next decision. So there again I was left in one corner in the emergency center, and regretted for not having lunch and dinner on my previous day. From then a nurse or doctor would drop by to take a quick check but no one was telling me what’s next.

By 2 pm I was told that they were trying to move me to a ward upstairs but there was no vacancy. So I had to agree that I could wait by the corridor. And finally at 6 pm they finally checked my into the general ward and told me that I had take a x-ray test to confirm on the diagnosis.

At around 11 pm, I was finally revealed that they have to transfer me to another hospital which has CT scan available, as they suspected that my pain was due to a cyst. Then again another day was spent lying on the bed getting pushed around. The moment I arrived the second hospital’s emergency center, the surgeon in charged told me that I had to be operated immediately because from the x-ray scans it seems to be an enlarged cysts. I was feeling super weak and hungry as well as lost. With no hesitation I agreed to the surgery and was pushed into the operation room almost immediately.

About 7 am next day I woke up twitching. I was of course nervous ! After all it was my first surgery and waking up twitching that’s another level of fear. I wasn’t able to control myself, and the nurses had to calm me down. With constant deep breathing I was able to bring myself into control but over the period of 3–4 hours, I had periodic twitching all over my body and to date I wasn’t told why.

About noon time I was updated by my surgeon that the cyst was ruptured when they open me up, and the removed cyst was about 11 x 8 cm big. It’s known as Struma Ovarii, which I looked up on the internet the given definition was as such:

Struma ovarii is a rare ovarian tumor that was first described in 1899. It is defined by the presence of thyroid tissue comprising more than 50% of the overall mass. It most commonly occurs as part of a teratoma, but may occasionally be encountered with serous or mucinous cystadenomas. [1] Strumae ovarii comprise 1% of all ovarian tumors and 2–5% of ovarian teratomas.

I continued staying in the hospital for 9 days and went home as a healthy person then after. Usually you would be able to check out on the second day. But I had infections after the surgery and was hitting 40 degrees fever consistently. I went back a few times for my post-op checks and glad to say that I’m doing fine.

Have you ever had your cyst removed? Tell my about your experience.




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